“As a believer, you carry the power of heaven with you into every situation.”
Your Anointing

Touch Of Heaven is a destination, a multi-purpose, non-denominational ministry anointed to nurture and support individual spiritual and physical growth, where people meet to share their individual anointed gifts, receive the blessings of others while continue to build faith and God given purpose.
This special place is dedicated to those beautiful people who are seeking to follow their assigned roles here on earth, discover their individual purpose and live it all for the glory of the Lord. Life can be all consuming only to attain results, occasional contentment and/or achieving personal goals.
There are moments when all of us ask that proverbial question Why? What am I here for? Is there a reason why I am doing these things or is it just leading to another need for self-centered, superficial satisfaction? Is living all about me and how I feel? Well, yes, life is a journey and it is an incredible ride of excitement, loneliness and searching. These “why”, “what” questions are not just answered in a day, week, year or even a decade. It is a slow, methodical cumulation of a lifetime of experiences. How we handle those events will dictate the future of our physical, emotional and ultimately our spiritual journey.
The real ingredients that are so elusive yet able to grasp in different degrees at different times are the gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. Addressing the reasons of the many puzzle pieces of life and fitting them together to make sense is not an easy assignment but needed for growth and more clarity. These three ingredients plus the other two, Discernment and Revelation makes this a lifelong mystery to discover and partnering up with others on the same journey can be very comforting and revealing. Working together for the ultimate reason to give glory to God is the sure way to find the answers.




