The Touch Of Heaven in the Ozarks is the original self-sustainable, self-sufficient, safe-haven community that is being created on 881 acres on the shores of pristine Bull Shoals Lake in the Ozark Mountains of northern Arkansas. Here like-minded people can share a Christian working and living experience that includes an independent sustainable living, working, food, and water producing community that is energy, housing, food, and water independent. The first TOH community includes a clubhouse, pool, lakefront, spa, gardens, dog park, and is supported by TOH agriculture and natural resources owned and run by the parent property Trust that will continue to own and operate it in perpetuity. Natural resources at TOH Ozarks include rock quarry, timber, artesian water, organic fruit and vegetable production, organic beef production, organic eggs, hay, and poultry production. Each of these businesses will first turn to community members as a workforce. Affordable workforce housing will be added and perhaps an on site S2A Modular factory. Touch Of Heaven In the Ozarks has purchased the land, completed the planning and approval phase, and has started the renovation and development phase. Limited JV investment is available.
Touch of Heaven In The Ozarks offers four different housing options in phase 1. RV, Village Homes, Country Homes, and Estate Homes. A very limited number of each will be offered. 20 RV sites sold (out of 72), 72 Village homes, 36 Country Homes, 24 Estate Homes in phase 1. Future phases anticipate Condo offerings but no additional homesites are currently planned on this property.
The vision of Touch Of Heaven is resonating and is expanding to include safe-havens around the Ozarks, United States, and World. TOH Holdings Inc has been called to facilitate this vision and is creating a duplicatable model of Touch of Heaven In The Ozarks to be licensed nationally and internationally. International TOH sites will include S2A factory locations. TOH, Inc is currently seeking strategic and/or financial joint venture partners to capitalize on the parent company and to complete feasibility studies and strategic locations in the US and abroad.